Beaumont Private Clinic opened its facilities in 1994 which consists of Consulting Suites, a Radiology Deptarment and Phlebotomy Service. A Clinical Audiology service was added in 2008. There are no In-Patient facilities available in the Clinic.Urology and Vascular Surgery.
Beaumont Private Clinic is conveniently located on the grounds of Beaumont Hospital with parking adjacent to it.
Radiology Department
Beaumont Private Radiology offers a comprehensive range of diagnostic services to patients referred by GP or consultant. Provides an efficient and professional service. Ultrasounds are all performed by the consultants themselves. The pricing structure is amongst the most competitive in Dublin and includes prices also for medical card holders.
Phone: 01 837 5372 / 01 837 6338
Web: http://beaumontprivateradiology.ie
Blood Tests
Phone: 01 836 0038
Hearing Tests
Phone: 01 884 4678
Phone: 01 837 5372 / 01 837 6338